Air Quality of the PEIR evaluates the likely environmental effects of the Project on air quality from emissions from aircraft, road traffic and other emission sources.
The existing air quality conditions were established using a variety of sources including monitoring undertaken by the consultant team and local authorities, background concentrations predicted by Defra.
Emissions from road traffic and airport activity have been calculated and input into an atmospheric dispersion model to calculate predicted concentrations of pollutants at sensitive receptors (both human and ecological). The resultant changes in concentrations have then been compared against air quality standards to assess the impact of the Project.
Site-specific surveys undertaken to inform the assessment include monitoring of ambient concentrations of nitrogen dioxide using diffusion tubes with measurements taken on a monthly basis.
Both Councils have declared Air Quality Management Areas in their administrative areas and have identified road traffic as the main source of pollution.
Monitoring data for the continuous monitoring sites within 1 km indicate that annual mean nitrogen dioxide concentrations over the past five years have consistently been well below the air quality standard.
Air quality mitigation measures are proposed to ensure best practice is followed for all on site activities during construction. Measures from best practice guidance would be implemented through the Code of Construction Practice. The measures would include the development and implementation of a Dust Management Plan, which may include measures to control other emissions, approved by the local authority.
With the implementation of appropriate mitigation, the effects of construction-related activities on dust soiling and human health are not anticipated to be significant.
No significant cumulative effects to air quality have been identified in the assessment.