
Health and Wellbeing of the PEIR considers the effects of the Project on health and wellbeing and draws from other technical topic assessments (most notably: traffic and transport; air quality; noise and vibration; and socio-economic effects).

The assessment applies a broad socio-economic model of health that encompasses conventional health impacts such as disease, accidents and risk, along with wider socio-economic health determinants vital to achieving good health and wellbeing.

Assessment Methodology

Environmental health determinants (such as changes to air quality and noise exposure) are likely to have a more local impact where potential change in hazard exposure is limited by physical dispersion characteristics. As a result, the local study area for health-specific baseline statistics relating to population and human health effects focuses on the local authority districts, using regional and national averages as comparators.

The socio-economic health determinant study area remains consistent with the largest study area and comprises the County areas.

The desk study approach to defining the baseline conditions involved collation and interpretation of published demographic, socio-economic and existing public health and healthcare capacity data. Reports such as the relevant Joint Strategic Needs Assessment reports have been analysed to provide additional context on local health circumstances, inequalities and public health priorities (health protection, health promotion and health care). These reports partly draw from the open source websites and datasets detailed above.

Current Baseline Environment

The age structure in the local and wider study areas is  top-heavy compared to nationally. Population growth in the local and wider study areas is similar to the regional and national averages.

Male and female life expectancy and healthy life expectancy in the local study area are both higher than the regional and national averages. Life expectancy and healthy life expectancy for males and females in the wider study area are also higher than the national average but are more comparable to the regional average.

Mitigation Measures

Generally, mitigation focusses on limiting environmental precursors to preclude adverse health outcomes. As a result, any adopted mitigation measures are detailed within the relevant topic chapters and the Code of Construction Practice. 

As mentioned previously, enhancement measures implemented as part of the Project would include a series of training, employment and procurement initiatives that would aid in addressing existing local barriers to a range of employment opportunities locally.

Potential Significant Effects

No significant health and wellbeing effects (adverse or beneficial) are predicted. Minor beneficial effects relating to socio-economic factors ie employment are predicted. Potential health and wellbeing effects from changes in environmental health determinants assessed (ie air quality and transport nature/flow rate) are considered to be minor adverse.

Based on the information available regarding other proposed developments at this stage, no potential for significant cumulative effects has been identified.


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