
Socio-Economics of the PEIR considers the potential socio-economic effects of the Project during the construction and operational phases. Socio-economics is a broad topic that includes the assessment of multiple effect types such as new employment, implications for the labour market and population, disruption to business and community activities.

Assessment Methodology

The assessment analyses the potential socio-economic effects of the Project on receptors in up to four separate study areas, depending on the nature of the effect being assessed. The study areas are cumulative, so the wider areas incorporate the local areas.

A desk study has been undertaken to identify the existing and future socio-economic conditions within each of the study areas. A range of further sources has been consulted in respect of social and community infrastructure provision as part of the desk study. Economic modelling undertaken for the Project has also informed the assessment.

Current Baseline Environment

The local study area has seen an increase in its total population of XX%, over the period from 20XX- 20XX. The population of the labour market area increased by XX% over the same period, with the largest growth among residents aged 65 and over, and lowest growth in the working-age population (people aged 16-64).

In total, there were XX employees within the local study area in 2018, representing an increase of XX% over the number of employees in 20XX.This represents an increase over the level of employment in 20XX. The largest sectors in the labour market area were government services, financial and business services and distribution. The electricity, information and communication, and accommodation and food services industries however, all grew at higher rates between 20XX and 20XX than the three largest sectors.

In terms of housing, the average price of dwellings sold in the local study area was £XXin the year ending in 20XX, representing an increase of XX% since 20XX. In comparison, the mean price of dwellings in the labour market area and England increased at a lower rate, while the mean price in the authorities area increased at a higher rate. 

The total housing stock in both study areas increased  between 20XX and 20XX which was slightly higher than the England average for the period.

Mitigation Measures

A number of measures have been designed to reduce the potential for socio-economic impacts.

The Code of Construction Practice would include measures to ensure construction contractors and processes follow practices that minimise disruption to residents. This includes measures such as construction traffic management, set hours of work and alternative access routes. This will inform the preparation of detailed mitigation measures for any other adverse effects on local businesses and the community for the duration of the Project.

In terms of enhancement measures, an Employment and Training Strategy would be adopted to continue. These measures would enhance the potential beneficial employment and labour market.

Potential Significant Effects

Several significant effects have been identified, including beneficial effects through the generation of employment.

The Project is expected to generate some disruption to business and residents; however, no significant effects are expected.

The Project is not expected to give rise to the need to increase the rate of housing delivery above that already planned for by neighbouring local authorities.


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