
Historic Environment of the PEIR considers the potential effects of the Project on heritage assets including historic buildings and areas, historic landscape character and buried archaeological remains. Such effects could result from a direct physical impact leading to a loss of, or damage to, the heritage asset or harm to the significance of the asset resulting from change within its setting. 

Assessment Methodology

Information about existing heritage assets has been acquired from a number of sources. Contact has also been made with organisations involved in previous archaeological investigations wherever possible, where data are not yet available from Historic Environment Records. Other data sources and baseline surveys have included: the National Heritage List for England; examination of historic maps; LiDAR assessment; aerial photograph assessment; and a detailed walkover survey. 

Current Baseline Environment

The land within the Project site is predominantly occupied by....

Mitigation Measures

A programme of further investigation of the archaeological potential of land within the Project site boundary is planned to take place ahead of the production of the Environmental Statement. The scope of these investigations will be agreed with the archaeological advisors to the relevant planning authority. The results of these investigations would be examined, and any opportunities for mitigation through avoidance or reduction of impact on buried archaeological remains would be identified and considered alongside other factors influencing the design process.

Potential Significant Effects

The majority of effects as a result of the Project during the initial construction phase would not be significant. 

Appropriate mitigation measures may be incorporated in to avoid or reduce damage to the buried archaeological remains. With these measures in place, the significance of effect would reduce to negligible to minor adverse. Where it is not possible to apply any mitigation measures, the effects would be offset by a programme of further archaeological investigation.

No significant cumulative effects on the historic environment have been identified in the assessment based on the information available to date.


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